New Here? 
We hope you will find the following information helpful! We also hold New Member Information sessions throughout the year. Please contact Pastor Maureen for dates.
When is worship?
Sunday worship at CCA starts at 10 am and usually lasts approximately an hour.
What is worship like?
Worship at CCA is filled with the spirit of God, and infused with our New England tradition. Every week, we sing music led by our Chancel Choir, pray often, encounter scripture, and hear sermons that honor our faith and intellect. We celebrate our children with a weekly children’s sermon before they head to church school. We also celebrate communion during worship on the first Sunday of the month.
When you arrive, an usher will greet you. They will give you a bulletin outlining our service, letting you know when to sit and stand, sing and pray. We also collect an offering during each service, encouraging lives of gratitude and generosity.
What should I wear?
Wear what makes you feel most at home in God’s house! Some dress in Sunday Best, others arrive in blue jeans. All are welcome.
What happens after worship?
Every Sunday, CCA has a time of fellowship following worship when we can eat a snack and socialize with old friends and new faces! This is a great time to chat with the ministers, meet the deacons, and get a sense of our church community. Ask an usher to direct you to the community room after service.
Do you offer childcare during worship?
There will be an adult and a teen assistant in the nursery beginning at 9:45 AM for any parents that want to drop off a child before the worship service. Babies and young children are always welcome in the worship service, but parents may choose to bring them to the nursery for part or all of the service. In addition to being a place to drop-off a small child, the nursery is a place where parents can stop in to change a diaper, nurse a baby, or just let a toddler get some wiggles out. The worship service will be streaming on a monitor in the nursery each week. The nursery is located on the ground floor, through the double doors in back of the staircase in the narthex.
Is the building accessible?
Yes! Our sanctuary, church school classrooms, and community room are all wheelchair accessible via the elevator located at the back entrance of the building.
You say all are welcome—What does that mean?
All are welcome, no exceptions. On your best day and your worst, we think it’s an honor to be in worship with you. And, we believe God made you exactly as you are meant to be, no mistakes. Read more about what it means to be Open and Affirming.
How can I get more information? For more information, feel free to talk with a minister after worship, email our church office, and explore our website.