Livestream Worship! We live-stream our Sunday morning worship service on Facebook at 10:00 am and upload the recording of the live-stream to our website and YouTube after the service every Sunday. This will continue to extend our welcome to those who can’t be with us in-person.
Helpful Information:
- We are here for you - if you need help, or know someone who might, please reach out to our Congregational Care team.
- You can submit your Joys & Concerns online if you wish via our Prayer Request page. This page can be found using the link provided, and is also on our Home page and under the Reach Out menu.
- If you can't watch the service at the 'normal' time, all worship service archives and weekly bulletin will be available on our Worship Services Page.
- Peruse other videos on our You Tube page. Here you will find many of our church videos, grouped by categories, such as Worship, Music, etc.
- Visit our Facebook Page often for updates, information, and positive reinforcement.
- If you would like to receive the weekly Joys & Concerns email, please contact Andrea (673-3231 ext 10).
- If you would like to continue your offerings or pledges online, please use our Online Giving You can of course also mail in a check to Andrea.
Please read Pastor Maureen’s letter here: COVID 19 WORSHIP SUSPENSION
Thursday, March 12th, 2020
Hello CCA members and friends!
In light of the concerns about the Novel Coronavirus-19 and its presence in New Hampshire, we wanted to make you aware of some of the precautions we’retaking to enable us to safely worship and gather together. It's not necessary or wise to panic, but some common sense thinking can help us all stay healthy through this time.
FIRST, if you don't feel well, please stay home. From worship, from meetings, from any gatherings. Not feeling well is a sign your body needs rest and we would rather miss you than have you push yourself to be present. And remember, even if you’re not feeling all that bad it’s better to be safe than to put others at risk.
SECOND, if your immune system is compromised and you feel the need to stay away from gatherings, please know that we understand. Again, we would rather miss you for several weeks while you're staying safe than have you put yourself at risk. Please reach out to our Pastors or our Congregational Care Team if needed!
THIRD, wash your hands. A lot. Twenty seconds is about the time it takes to say The Lord's Prayer, sing a verse of "Amazing Grace.” Sneeze into your elbow, not your hands, and do your best to refrain from touching your face, as this is the way that most colds, flu, and other viruses are passed along.
FOURTH, we’ve begun to practice some alternative ways to interact with one another when we are together. Rather than hugs and handshakes, no one will be offended if you choose to greet others or “Pass the Peace” with a bow, a friendly wave, or by flashing a ‘peace sign’ instead. Our pastors love greeting you all after worship, and we know how important touch is to many us, but this the best way to keep the most vulnerable among us safe.
FIFTH, there are other precautions that we’re taking when we gather for worship: During the Offering, our ushers will hold onto the plate so we’re not passing it amongst us. If we celebrate Communion in April, we’ll do it in a way that minimizes contact. We'll be leaving tissue boxes in the pews, and when there's hand sanitizer available we'll stock up in various places in the church. We’ll also be wiping down common surfaces on a regular basis: door knobs, railings, pews, etc.
LAST BUT NOT LEAST, make a plan for the "what if": God willing, none of us will need it, but as someone wise once said, “It's better to have a plan and not need it than to need a plan but not have one.” We’re hoping all of these precautions we’re taking will be temporary!
Over the next few weeks, we'll be thinking through additional responses just in case we're asked to suspend gatherings or otherwise need to change the way we do things temporarily. In the meantime, use your best judgment about your health and safety and that of the community.
And, as the graphic above reminds us: KEEP CALM AND WASH YOUR HANDS!