SHARE FOOD PANTRY requests for September include condiments, cooking sauces and seasonings, cooking oil, pasta sauce, tomato sauce, tomato paste, diced tomatoes. Donations should be brought directly to the SHARE Center in Milford during the hours Mon-Fri 8:30am-4:30pm; if you are unsure where, please call their office at 673-9898. Many thanks for your continuing support!
Home Starter Essential Items Drive: Our Home Starter Program served over fifty families in 2023, and has already assisted 32 families/individuals so far this year. Our volunteers work tirelessly to make sure every family has a fully furnished apartment. We are hosting an "Essential Items Drive" for our most needed items in the coming months. Please click on the button below for more information and purchase details! Thank you, from the Home Starter Team.
Fellowship Team Needs Your Help! Our Fellowship Team works throughout the year to put on the many fun church activities we enjoy: The Rally Day Picnic, Game Night, the Kentucky Derby Party, to name a few. They also put the kettle on every Sunday so that after worship we can enjoy coffee and tea while greeting friends. This small, but mighty group could use a few more members to help balance the workload and to bring fresh ideas to the group. If you are interested, please contact Meredith Dart.
Congregational Care: Are you interested in being contacted about helping with meals for members of our congregation? Are you available to help with transportation? Our ministry is a blessing to those who have been on the receiving end of a home-cooked meal, help with a ride, a visit, a note or a call. Would you like to be added to the list of volunteers? Please contact Sara Phelps.
Livestream Help! Volunteers are needed on Sunday mornings to help run the live-stream camera and laptop during worship. It’s easy and we are hoping to train a few more folks so the rotation is easy on everyone. Contact Doug Topliffe if you’d like to learn.
Project in Memory of Anne Krantz: The Nipmugs, a local chapter of the National Questers group, has contacted the church in regards to a potential donation (up to $1,500) in memory of Anne Krantz, who was a longtime member of this group. The donation would go towards the restoration or preservation of an artifact belonging to the church such as restoring a painting, piece of silver, or other old item belonging to the church. If you have any suggestions for a project that would meet this criteria, please contact either Doug Topliffe or Andrea Cyr