Shellie Anne Brook
Shellie Anne Brook will be serving as our Student Pastor for the 2024-25 program year, participating
in and leading worship, preaching, assisting with our Confirmation Class and Youth Groups, and
bringing her energy and creativity to our Creative Worship services and our Widening Our Welcome
Team. Shellie is a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, where she received her MDiv in 2009.
She has served as a hospital and hospice chaplain, and served churches in PA, NJ, and NH, leading
worship, preaching/teaching, and offering pastoral care. She is currently a Member in Discernment in
the NH Conference and brings many gifts to her ministry. Born and raised in Lancaster County, PA,
Shellie grew up in the peace church denomination of the Brethren in Christ and found a home in the
United Church of Christ in 2019. She and her wife Rebecca (a hospice nurse) live in Goffstown with
their six children and two dogs.