Hi all! This is our first Livesteam of our Sunday morning service. You can watch it LIVE on Facebook at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, and then a recording of the livestream will be uploaded to our website (and YouTube) around noon on Sunday. During this service you may notice that the audio is slightly out of sync with the video (and had an echo effect for a short time mid-service)- We’ll work on fixing that for next week! We’re so glad you’re worshiping with us online! – Pastor Maureen
Hi all! This is our first Livesteam of our Sunday morning service. You can watch it LIVE on Facebook at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, and then a recording of the livestream will be uploaded to our website (and YouTube) around noon on Sunday. During this service you may notice that the audio is slightly out of sync with the video (and had an echo effect for a short time mid-service)- We’ll work on fixing that for next week! We’re so glad you’re worshiping with us online! – Pastor Maureen