Jesus, Take the Wheel!
June 23, 2024
Please note – The YouTube recording will be updated at approximately noon following the in-person service.
Welcome to our Sunday Morning Online Worship at the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC!
No matter WHO you are, or WHERE you are on life’s journey, YOU are welcome here!
June 23, 2024 Fifth Sunday after Pentecost 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Maureen R. Frescott, Senior Pastor
Sara Phelps, Director of Music
Michael Havay, Organist/Accompanist
Sally Hooper, Deacon in Charge
Reid Cunningham, Liturgist
Paul Schellenberg, Videographer
Prelude: Voluntary in C, John Marsh, public domain
Anthem: Jesu, Joy of Man’s Desiring, J.S. Bach, public domain; Sara Phelps, soprano
Offertory: Andante Tranquillo from Organ Sonata No. 3, Felix Mendelssohn, public domain
Postlude: Basse de Trompette, Louis-Nicolas Clérambault, public domain
Great Is Thy Faithfulness #276
My Life Flows on in Endless Song #476
Jesus Calls Us, o’er the Tumult #172
The first hymn is from Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs, ©1990 Westminster/John Knox Press.
The second and third hymns are from The New Century Hymnal, ©1995 The Pilgrim Press.
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-731944.
Portions of the liturgy have been adapted from Connie R. Burkholder, posted on the Long Green Valley Church of the Brethren website. http://rockhay.tripod.com/
Donations Appreciated!
You can donate online by using the button below or make checks payable to the Congregational Church of Amherst and mail to the church office at:11 Church St. Amherst NH 03031
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