Welcome to our Sunday Morning Online Worship at the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC!
No matter WHO you are, or WHERE you are on life’s journey, YOU are welcome here!
May 30, 2021 – Trinity Sunday
Participants in this service:
Rev. Maureen Frescott, Senior Pastor
Rev. Katherine Kennedy
Michael Havay, organ
Chancel Choir
Tom Werst, Liturgist (in person)
Leona Hendrickson (recorded)
Music (prerecorded live):
Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from One License with license #A-731944.
Portions of our liturgy are adapted from Rev. Mindi at rev-o-lution.org
Donations Appreciated!
You can donate online by using the button below or make checks payable to the Congregational Church of Amherst and mail to the church office at:11 Church St. Amherst NH 03031
good morning, peace be with you
All the best for Memorial Day Weekend. Mary and Jana Howe
Great sermon!