Please note – The YouTube recording will be updated at approximately noon following the in-person service.
Welcome to our Sunday Morning Online Worship at the Congregational Church of Amherst, UCC!
No matter WHO you are, or WHERE you are on life’s journey, YOU are welcome here!
December 1, 2024 First Sunday of Advent 10:00 a.m.
Rev. Maureen R. Frescott, Senior Pastor
Rev. Charlotte E. Y. Bell, Associate Pastor
Shellie Brook, Student Pastor
Sara Phelps, Director of Music
Michael Havay, Organist/Accompanist
Sally Hooper, Deacon in Charge
Roger Hooper, John Swanson, Russ Demarest, Doug Topliffe, Deacons
John Swanson, Gail Wiegand, Deacons
Paul Schellenberg, Videographer
Advent Candle Lighters
Prelude: Lo! He Comes with Clouds Descending, Richard Warner
Anthem: O Come, O Come, Emmanuel, Chancel Choir
Offertory: The King Shall Come, Richard Farrant/Edward Broughton
Organ Meditation: Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming, Robert Lau and Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence, Mark Roberts
Postlude: Wake, Awake, for Night is Flying, Philipp Nicolai/Gilbert M. Martin
#11 – O Lord How Shall I Meet You?
#2 – Come Thou Long Expected Jesus
#104 (NC) – We Hail You God’s Anointed
The first and third hymns are from Hymns, Psalms, & Spiritual Songs, ©1990 Westminster/John Knox Press.
The second hymn is from Chalice Hymnal, ©1995 Chalice Press.
Donations Appreciated!
You can donate online by using the button below or make checks payable to the Congregational Church of Amherst and mail to the church office at 11 Church St. Amherst NH 03031
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