What is Small Group Ministry?
Small Group Ministry is where 8-10 people meet in a committed group with the intention of establishing deeper connections with each other and with God. The groups meet once a month from October to June and are led by trained lay members of the congregation. The group meetings run 1.5 hours and include a check-in, a short topic reading, discussion of the topic, and closing prayer.
This year our Small Groups will focus on the STORIES OF OUR FAITH theme that is guiding our Creative Worship and other church programs. Each month we’ll focus on a different aspect of our worship and how it connects with our faith journey!
Contact Pastor Maureen or Signup/View Full Details here.
2023-2024 Topics:
October: | The Garden of Eden |
November: | Noah and the Ark |
December: | Abraham and Sarah |
January: | Moses and the Mountain |
February: | The Patience of Job |
March: | David and Goliath |
April: | Mary of Magdala |
May: | Saul becomes Paul |
June: | Peter the Rock |