Banned, Burned, and Buried: The Books NOT in the Bible Wednesday Adult Ed series begins September 18, 10:00-11:30 a.m. on Zoom.
This fall, we’ll begin a year-long video lecture series delving into the “lost” books ofthe Bible. We’ll look at the books of the Old Testament that are in some Bibles but not in others – including stories of giants, dragons, and fallen angels. We’ll explore the “Gnostic” gospels and other writings NOT in our New Testament – that offer alternative understandings of who Jesus was, who and what God is, and what our spiritual purpose is as created beings.
In each session, we’ll watch a video together as a group and then have a discussion facilitated by Pastor Maureen. The class will meet every first and third Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. from September through May on Zoom. All are welcome!
Email Pastor Maureen to receive the Zoom link, or access the link on our church website in the Members Section under “Wednesday Adult Ed.”